Application for a Permit to Import Drugs and/or Psycotropic Substances in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 (Act 101 Of 1965), the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, and the Convention on Psycotropic Substances, 1971; Regulation 20(4) And 20(7)(S)

Application for a Permit to Import Drugs and/or Psycotropic Substances in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 (Act 101 Of 1965), the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, and the Convention on Psycotropic Substances, 1971; Regulation 20(4) And 20(7)(S)

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2020 Apr

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Version: 1
Date Updated: 10/04/2020
Category: Application forms, Form
Unit: Regulatory Compliance