Guideline on Protective Measures To Take In The Event of an Accident Involving Radioactivity

Guideline on Protective Measures To Take In The Event of an Accident Involving Radioactivity

The widespread use of radiation sources in medicine, agriculture, industry, and research has an admirable safety record. Throughout the world, the number of known accidents in which persons have been exposed to harmful amounts of ionising radiation is relatively small, and only a few deaths have occurred. Meticulous precautions are being taken to maintain this good record in all work with radiation sources and to keep the exposure of persons and the environment as low as practicable.

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Document Number: SAHPGL-RDN-RN-01 (Old FIRE)
Version: 2
Date Updated: 01/02/2024
File Type: pdf
Category: Guideline
Unit: Radiation Control, Radionuclides