The template of submission form is populated by the API supplier and subitted to SAHPRA during submission of the APIMF record....
This document should be completed by the applicant to ensure the inclusion of all necessary Bioequivalence Trial information....
The formulation and API characteristics, including the route of administration and species, are factors which may affect requirements to waive bioequivalence studies (i.e., to compare the rate and extent of absorption between two formulations containing same active substances). Applicants must submit the following relevant information...
This application form should be included in the South African Common Technical Document – Module 1 Administrative Information. The application form is to be used for an application for registration, variation or renewal of a medicinal product for Human or Veterinary use submitted to the South...
Owner Consent Form - Use of an Unregistered Veterinary Product...
This template is intended to provide recommendations to applicants wishing to submit veterinary clinical trial applications. The template should be completed in conjunction with the attached guideline document. ...
Request For Use of an Unregistered Product In Terms Of Section 21 Of Act 101 of 1965...
Adverse Drug Reactions and Quality Problem Reporting Form - for both public and private sector and includes herbal products....