DHCPL - Pseudoephedrine-Containing Medicines Risks of PRES and RCVS – iNova Pharmaceuticals - SAHPRA

DHCPL – Pseudoephedrine-Containing Medicines Risks of PRES and RCVS – iNova Pharmaceuticals

DHCPL – Pseudoephedrine-Containing Medicines Risks of PRES and RCVS – iNova Pharmaceuticals

The DHCP letter is intended to inform healthcare professionals about the risks of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS)
associated with the use of pseudoephedrine-containing medicines.


Pseudoephedrine-containing medicines are contraindicated in patients with severe or uncontrolled hypertension, or with severe acute or chronic kidney disease or renal failure, as these conditions increase the risks of PRES or RCVS. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to advise patients to immediately stop using these medicines if signs or symptoms (e.g., sudden severe headache or thunderclap headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures and/or visual disturbances, etc.,) suggestive of PRES or RCVS develop.

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Document Number: DHCPL
Version: 1
Date Updated: 03/09/2024
File Type: pdf
Category: Communication To Health Care Professionals
Unit: Pharmacovigilance