Guideline for QC in Medical Diagnostic X-Ray Imaging Systems - SAHPRA

Guideline for QC in Medical Diagnostic X-Ray Imaging Systems

Guideline for QC in Medical Diagnostic X-Ray Imaging Systems

The South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA) is the regulatory authority of South Africa responsible for the regulation of health products intended for human and animal use; amongst others, radiation emitting devices and radioactive nuclides.

This guideline sets out requirements with respect to quality control tests for radiation safety associated with the use of medical diagnostic x-ray equipment to promulgate the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act 15 of 1973) and Regulations (No R1332 of 3 August 1973).

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Document Number: SAHPGL-RDN-XR-01
Version: 1
Date Updated: 16/08/2022
File Type: pdf
Category: Guideline
Unit: Radiation Control, x-rays